Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 16/July/2025

TBS Air & Energy Solutions Pty Ltd is a privately owned Australian company with operations in all States of Australia and in New Zealand. We are bound by, and will abide by, the National Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act (Cth) 1988 (“Privacy Act”).

What personal information do we collect and hold?

As organisation’s offering a wide range of products and services, we collect and hold a range of information from and about people (particularly people who purchase our products or use our services or express an interest in them). In the process of conducting our businesses, we are likely to collect a broad range of information about our customers, prospective customers, contractors, suppliers, agents, service providers and the people who run the businesses we deal with. This information can include such things as contact details, financial information and supporting documentation (including credit history details), identification information, transaction history information, banking details and personal references. In order to satisfy our legal obligations, we may need to retain that information even after a transaction has come to an end (subject to our obligations under the National Privacy Principles).

How do we collect personal information?

Wherever it is possible and practical to do so, we collect personal information directly from the person concerned. For example, we will collect personal information when a person deals with us in person or over the telephone, sends us a letter, email or fax, or gives or sends us a completed form (such as an application form or submitting information via the internet). There may be occasions, however, where we need to collect personal information, we require for a particular purpose from a third party. This might occur, for example, where it is important for us to obtain personal information from an independent third party.

How do we use personal information?

We collect this information in order to undertake and complete the many transactions we have with our customers, suppliers, and other parties with whom we do business, to administer some of the services we provide and to maintain the business relationships. Personal information collected may also be used for keeping our customers informed of the many products and services we have, which may include using it for direct marketing.

To which other organisation’s do we disclose personal information?

The National Privacy Principles allows TBS Air & Energy Solutions to share client information provided to it. This may include sending information about you to contractors and/or suppliers that are responsible for certain processes associated with our organisation’s. Separately, we contract other businesses to assist us in running our business, and may need to disclose client information to them to enable them to perform services for us. We may also use other businesses (including businesses located overseas) to maintain some of our data and storage systems and to provide auxiliary services (including credit checks and/or debt recovery). We require all these businesses to adhere to our confidentiality requirements for handling personal information and to the National Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act. For more information about our disclosures of personal or client information, you will need to contact our Privacy Officer using the contact details you have been provided with in connection with this Privacy Policy.

How do you access the personal information we hold about you and make complaints?

If you wish to obtain details of your personal information that we hold, please contact the Privacy Officer using the contact details you have been provided with in connection with this Privacy Policy. Should you wish to complain about a privacy matter, please contact the relevant manager within TBS Air & Energy Solutions on the contact details that you have been provided with in connection with the product or service you have obtained from us. Privacy complaints will be handled through our normal complaint handling processes. We commit to attend to your complaint or request as quickly as possible.

Your personal information and emails

If you send us an email, we will store and may use your name, address and other information about you contained in your email and in any attachments. When you submit feedback or questions via email, it is very important that you do not disclose any details that could be used by others to gain access to information about you or your account. This includes private details such as your username, account number or password. If you receive an email from us, you should only re-transmit, distribute or commercialise the material or information in the email if you are authorised to do so (under the Privacy Act or otherwise).

We do not collect personal information about you when you visit our web sites unless you apply for any of our products online, register for access to any of our online services, or provide us with your personal information for us to contact you. Our sites contain links to other sites. While we try to link only to sites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of other web sites to which you provide your personal information.

Website security

Whenever personal information is sent via our website, we use high security levels to protect it. These security levels involve the use of 128-bit encryption. Encryption is the standard way of protecting your information. It is transmitted between you and us, and involves converting the information into an unreadable code using a ‘key’.


Cookies are used on our websites to monitor the traffic to each site. They are used to identify visitors to each page and to track the path each visitor takes to navigate the website. No personal information about you is collected during this process. You may set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie. If you register or login to gain access to the TBS Air & Energy Solutions website/s, cookies are used to assist as part of the registration process. They may also be used to store usernames while the user is logged onto the site and to track the number of times the user has tried to log in during a single visit.

Online Services

When you register for access to our online services, the information collected may be compared with the details we already have stored, such as your name, username or account details, which we have previously collected from you so we can verify that you are the person seeking access to your customer data or personal information. If you do not accurately provide the information requested, you will not be able to access the online service.

Privacy Policy Changes

Changes to our Privacy Policy will be posted on this web page. Please remember to refer back to this privacy policy regularly to review any amendments. If you wish to view the information you have provided or, comment on or obtain further information about our Privacy Policy, please contact our Privacy Officer:

Privacy Officer: TBS Air & Energy Director Email: [email protected]

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